Interested in joining us for a short or longer while? Please get in touch with Sofie at valk [at] cbs [dot] mpg [dot] de or s [dot] valk [at] fz-juelich [dot] de
Amin studies the link between excitation-inhibition and cortical structure, and their development in typically developing adolescents and those at higher risk for psychopathology.
Sarah is a PhD student with a background in neuroscience and social sciences. In her research, she aims to explore how social and environmental factors affect brain development.
Bin is studying asymmetry of brain organization. In parallel, he has wide interests in how the human mind (from behavior, ideology to brain circuits) is shaped by nature and nurture. Personal website.
Caroline is physicist and studying brain dynamics. She is currently drafting her PhD proposal.
JiHoon is studying the structure and function of the prefrontal cortex
Meike is a PhD student at Max Planck School of Cognition. Her work aims to understand how brain organization shapes resilience and vulnerability in mental health, in the larger context of transdiagnostic psychiatry and network-based pathology.
Neville studies the cerebellum from different perspectives, by looking at cerebellar evolution and functional imaging.
Katerina studies the role of the developing and adult cerebellum in social cognition, and more specifically in Theory of Mind. She focuses on structural and functional connectivity between the cerebellum and the cerebral cortex, as well as the effect of cerebellar maturation on the early-life emergence of Theory of Mind.
Bianca is a PhD student at the Max Planck School of Cognition. She studies sex differences and the effects of sex hormones on brain organization, with a particular interest in how these factors relate to emotion and affective disorders.
Alex found her interest in the thalamus, its structural connectivity with the cortex, and its role of orchestrating whole-brain activity. Additionally, with her background in biology, she likes to think about how to translate macroscale findings at the systems-level to the biological underpinnings at the microscale.
Mylla studies the hippocampus, with a focus on the effects of early life stress (i.e., adverse early life experiences and socioeconomic factors) on the development and functioning of the amygdala and hippocampus.
Deniz is a student from the USA who is shadowing Bianca and working on sex hormones and the brain.
Clara is an MD and working on the perinatal period to understand emergence of neurodevelopmental disorder.
Yiğit is a PhD student at IMPRS CoNI that comes from a psychology/cognitive neuroscience background. He is interested in the relation between cognition and large-scale brain organisation.
Huantao is a PhD candidate who comes from a background in clinical medicine. He just started his PhD in the lab and is particularly interested in the brain structural, functional and biomarkers organizational patterns during pathological status, and their relation with clinical symptoms and outcomes.
Jessica is a clinical psychologist by training and works on a project trying to understand the brain basis of social cognition.
Sofie is Lise Meitner research group leader at the MPI in Leipzig, Germany and research group leader at INM-7 Juelich, Juelich, Germany. She is also a Jacobs foundation research fellow.
Lars is a developmental neuroendocrinologist and a clinician scientist.
Yun Shuang was visiting the lab through the Chinese State-Sponsored Scholarship for joint PhD students program. She works on various projects bridging brain organization and Schizophrenia.
Giaco(mo) was born in the humanities but was raised by scientists. All grown up, he is trying to accept both past, pursuing a PhD on the biological basis of aesthetics with the Max Planck School of Cognition at the Language and Genetics Department of the MPI for psycholinguistics, in Nijmegen, while being a nomadic guest of the Frankfurt and Leipzig MPIs.
Ben studies neurotransmitters/receptors and their link to hallmarks of brain function and disease, hoping to better understand the genesis and treatment of psychiatric illnesses.
Elham currently works with Nico Scherf and is currently guest in our lab.
Şeyma studies the functional and structural organisation of the human brain. She loves big data and computational challenges and recently the functional neurosurgery.
(Incomplete) list of past members and people interning or visiting the lab since 2020 - let me know if you miss yourself.